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Linux Mint, the distribution that tries to set itself apart for beginners (but not only) along with their own Cinnamon desktop environment, have some plans to help users upgrade.
For those of you who love the taste, Linux Mint has a new Beta version available for testing the next major release. Linux Mint 20.3 'Una' is available with multiple desktop environments.
In a fresh blog post, Linux Mint's leader Clem Lefebvre has written about some statistics on people running out of date software and warned people to ensure they're running updates.
Linux Mint 20.1 has now been officially released, and this is an LTS version which means it will be supported for quite some time until 2025. Plenty of time to get comfy with Linux.
Linux Mint, a beginner friendly Linux distribution, is getting ready to release a big new upgrade with Linux Mint 20.1 'Ulyssa' that will be their new Long Term Support version.
As the proud and excited owner of a shiny new Valve Index kit to go with my almost-new all-AMD rig, I thought I’d outline the journey to getting it all working, exclusively on Linux.
Linux Mint 20 has today been officially released across multiple official desktop environments and it's all sounding great. The Cinnamon desktop edition sounding especially good.
The Linux Mint team have announced the big push towards release with a Beta version of Linux Mint 20 available now across three different desktop environments.
The team behind popular Linux distribution Linux Mint have a monthly update out to go over what their plans are and their funding, and it's all sounding great.